Thursday, June 12, 2014


I have the kind of love affair with coffee they could write books about.  Okay, so maybe that's a gross exaggeration, but I literally cannot do anything in the morning unless I've had my morning cup, and I fantasize about how awesome my next cup is going to be.  All the time.  I used to consume much, much, more, but I'm learning to live in moderation these days, so I've reduced my intake to one cup daily.  With an occasional second half cup.  Give or take.  I know that some women who follow the endo diet completely eliminate all forms of caffeine, and when I first started intersearching (internet researcing) this condition and the associate diet, I developed an overpowering fear that my doctor would tell me to quit coffee.  M's doctor has been trying to get him to quit for years.  I just KNEW it was coming.  However, when I asked Dr. Stalling about it, she told me in moderation it is fine.   That was the happiest day of my life.  Another exaggeration, but you get it.  It was like rainbows and unicorns happy.
All of the websites that provide information on the endometriosis diet recommend eliminating caffeine, and a certain friend of mine who is going through the same situation as I (almost identically) was told by HER doctor to quit coffee.  ]I just don't think I'm ready to do that yet.  I'm sure it couldn't hurt, but is it necessary?  Really?  I've already given up every other food I've ever loved (I'm talking about you, french fries).  Surely there is room in this world for me to enjoy one thing that may or may not be harmful to my health.

Is there eveidence, research to support one side or the other?  My latest intersearch of the day resulted in my finding THIS article.  More rainbows and unicorns!  A group of researchers analyzed 8 studies of more than 1,000 women that assessed the assocation, if any, between caffeine intake and endometriosis.  They found NO relationship or incidence of increased risk.  THIS study, however, did find that consuming 200mg or more of caffeine daily has an effect on estrogen levels for some women, and since endometriosis is an estrogen-fueled disease, we should consider the possibility.  And each woman should make her own decision, working with her own doctor, on how to deal with caffeine.

All in all, I agree with my doctor (because I WANT to!) and because I trust her implicitly.  For me, drinking one cup of coffee in the morning makes me happier, as I love it so much.  Innocent until proven guilty, coffee.  I got your back!

1 comment:

  1. You gotta have the things that you love! I cut out coffee a while back because for me the pain episodes that I got after I drink a cup are awful, but it's not like that for everyone. Seems like you are one of the lucky ones! Enjoy your treat :).
